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Borrowed Faith

Updated: May 20, 2023

I'm not naturally a person of strong faith. Others might think that I am, but the truth is, I've borrowed a lot of faith in my life. That's right. I borrowed it.

See, when I came to the Lord many years ago, it was with a very broken spirit. I didn't have faith or understanding for the things of God. But He gave me eyes to see and pointed out those who did have faith.

People like Abraham, who had faith that God would give him a child, even in his old age (Romans 4:18).

Bigger faith like Abraham, who trusted God to provide a sacrifice when God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son (Genesis 22:9-10).

Faith like Noah, who built an ark and followed God's instructions, even when others laughed at him (Hebrews 11:7).

Faith like Ruth, who stayed with her mother-in-law, when there was no hope for a husband in sight (Ruth 1:16-17).

Faith like Hannah, who cried out to the Lord for a child and offered that child back to serve the Lord (1 Samuel 1:10-11).

Faith like Mary to carry the savior of the world, even though it would publicly disgrace her. And faith like Joseph to stand by her side (Luke 1:30-31, 38: Matthew 1:19-20).

There's faith all around us. There are people in the Bible who walked boldly into the unseen and unknown, trusting God to guide them. When you're faced with problem or situation and you don't feel like you have faith, look to those who have gone before you and borrow theirs. Pray, "Lord, give me faith like Abraham to trust you in an unknown land." Or "Lord, help me to have faith like Noah who followed your instructions in the face of ridicule."

Who's faith do you need to borrow today? Reach up, grab ahold of it, and use that faith until it becomes your very own.


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