Gift-giving is huge in my family. Birthdays, Christmas, Easter—we always do gifts in style. And it always brings so much joy to see the look of happiness on someone’s face when they receive a gift from me.
I recall one Christmas morning, amidst the chaos of wrapping paper and boxes strewn about, watching my youngest nephew playfully throwing his gift in the air and catching it. He’s a boy, it’s what they do. But I was a wreck with anxiety, worried he would break what was inside. This was a common scene on Christmas mornings for our family—gifts being tossed around instead of being unwrapped and played with as intended. Has anyone else noticed that kids often seem more interested in playing with the boxes rather than the gifts themselves? It’s something to consider.

Much like that gift, the spiritual gifts God has given us are meant to be treasured and used with care. Just because you have a gift doesn’t mean you should use it carelessly or without thought. Stewarding your gifts is a responsibility that requires both humility and maturity.
For instance, if you have the gift of speaking, it doesn’t mean you should grab every available microphone and start talking. Or if you’re called to write, it doesn’t mean you should write just any story that comes to mind. Maybe you have the gift of encouragement, but that doesn’t mean you should point out every nice thing you notice in someone else (that can get creepy quickly!) Even when your intentions are good, using your gift without refinement can cause more harm than good. Unfortunately, we’ve all seen situations where well-meaning individuals have wielded their gifts in unrefined ways, contributing to a toxic church culture or, at the very least, creating confusion.
Gifts need to be handled with care. When you receive a present, you don’t leave it in a place where it might get damaged. You don’t toss the gift box in the air, risking it breaking. Instead, you cherish it, handle it with care, and enjoy it.
Likewise, your spiritual gifts deserve the same attention and respect. Here are a few practical ways you can steward your gifts well:
Seek God’s Guidance: Regularly spend time in prayer, asking God to guide you in how to use your gifts. He knows the best way for you to serve others and will direct your steps.
Invest in Development: Take the time to develop your gifts. This might mean seeking out training, reading books, or practicing your gift in a safe and supportive environment. The more you invest in your gift, the more effective it will be.
Use Your Gifts Wisely: Be intentional about where, when, and how you use your gifts. Not every opportunity is the right one, so discernment is key. Ask yourself how your gift can best serve others and bring glory to God.
Stay Humble: Remember that your gifts are from God, and they are for His glory, not your own. Stay humble, recognizing that without Him, your gifts wouldn’t exist.
Serve with Love: Above all, use your gifts in love. Your gifts are meant to build others up, not tear them down. Approach each opportunity to use your gift with a heart full of love and a desire to bless others.
1 Peter 4:10 (NIV) reminds us, "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." Let this verse guide you in stewarding your gifts wisely and faithfully.
Take a moment today to reflect on the gifts God has given you. How are you using them? Are you stewarding them well? Commit to taking one of the practical steps above to grow in your giftedness. Your gifts are a blessing, not just to you, but to the world. Let’s steward them well, for His glory.