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Community is Built With a Seedling - Taylor Nelson

I am a smile and a wave.

I am a nod as you pass.

I am a verbal greeting.

I am found on every continent.

I am a bridge people cross daily.

I am flexible; you can make me short or long.

I am both tangible and intangible.

What am I?


And just like that, a conversation has begun. It can be nerve-racking or as easy as the sun shining on the grass. With a small wave or gesture, a friendship can begin. Community is essential to world development and success. We are meant to be in society and not in isolation. Being desolate and alone can place us in an unsafe region that we never intended to be in. I want to challenge you to take a step into meeting new people. To begin, the most optimal time is now and not later. Community is essential, and knowing who should be in that community is also crucial. You need to be aware of what you are allowing into your world. Knowing yourself, your boundaries, and your voice will all assist you in developing a healthy community. God is telling you something at this very moment. Take a moment of reflection and listen.

Now that you have sat and shared that time with God, can you receive His message? Time is a teller of all truth. There are moments in time we doubt the aptitude and diligence of which God can bless us or has blessed us.

Insecurity: The inflicted pain and oppression that blissfully limits one's growth. It announces itself without hesitation.

We can seek the paper or the light that triggers an alternate path to the path designed by God. He has a set plan that He wants you to accompany Him on. Our attitude or approach to what He says can hinder or establish our potential. What happens if God told you today that you will be king and, from your lineage, the whole world will be saved. Or if He told you at a ripe old age you would give birth to a son and your descendants will outnumber the sand? What happens if He told you to go befriend that stranger? Would your first response be, “Yes, Lord, I believe you” or would your answer be “who…me?” Would you doubt your greatness or God's word over you because of your own perception of your circumstance? Our scope of life can be sometimes limited by the point of reference. Be willing to change your view and take a moment that maybe there is something you are missing. The point being trust in God because he has the ultimate view. He overlooks and sees every little detail. He tells us to partner with each other and dismantle fear. Don't restrict your life but live it abundantly.

Lean not on your own understanding but trust in what the Lord has said. Humble yourself before the King of Kings, and don't make Him into a liar. You are everything He says you are. You can only do what He tells you but do not be fooled to think small-minded. He has great plans for your life. Insecurity and false humility can lead you to a place where you are seated at the woman's table, leaving her door open for all who pass by, waiting to devour the souls who do not seek wisdom. Saul was insecure in his anointing as king, and as a result, every choice and decision he made was in an attempt to live up to the "king" he thought he had to be. He took control of the situation and no longer leaned on God but on himself for his kingship. Like Saul or Abraham, and Sarah, I have been insecure about receiving God's instruction for my life. I have been uncertain about many things. I've been consumed by insecurity, and its best friend named fear. I can list my reasons for why I doubt, but the truth of the matter is that my heart has been in the wrong place. Let me position my heart to be like the heart of David. Let me say, “Here I am, Lord, your servant. Take me where you want me; let me speak to who You want me to talk to. Let me make a change; let me bless the generations after me by choosing what You have told me. Let me surround myself in a community and plant a seed that will prosper in God's Kingdom. God, thank you for never letting Your word come back void.” Take hold, my sisters and brethren, of what God has said to you, and let Him renew your mind and be confident in His truth.


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