Connection is key to… everything! It is key to your walk with the Lord, satisfaction in life, and fulfilling your destiny in Christ Jesus. Science has shown that connection with others is even key to your mental, emotional and physical health. The Word of God has a lot to say about connection and how important it is.
By God’s design, we are dependent on Him and on others as well. Although all are made in His image, each of us is unique in form and purpose yet connected by the reality of His creating us. When born again, we are brothers and sisters connected by the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed for us.
Given our differences, how can we be connected and stay connected? Understanding our design is a vital element.
Connected by Divine Design
You are a part of the Body of Christ in the earth with a specific measure of faith, gifts and grace to function in the works God has ordained for your life.
"For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think [of himself] more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith. For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, [being] many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, [let us use them]: if prophecy, [let us prophesy] in proportion to our faith;" (Rom 12:3-6 NKJV)
The Holy Spirit emphasized these words: measure, function, gifts, grace. We are each given a measure of faith, and grace according to the measure of our gift (Eph. 4:7). We minister our gifts through grace (1 Pet. 4:10). Whatever our gifts are, we have a measure of grace to function in them to bring the result God intends. The measure is for the function.
It is not a measured amount, i.e. more vs. less, better vs. worse, higher vs. lower. The measure is what is necessary for Christ to be made known through each of us functioning in our gifts. As we each look to Christ as the Head (receiving His instruction), we better recognize and honor others’ unique gifts. We are all necessary and each has something of Christ in them that we don’t! God has designed us to find our satisfaction in giving to, and receiving from, others; to know and be known; to be recognized, valued, and honored.
Unlocking the Treasure
Holy Spirit reminded me of a dream I had years ago that speaks profoundly to this truth. In my dream, I had a priceless treasure locked away behind a door. I had to go away and knew that I had to give the key to someone to open the door at the proper time. This treasure was so valuable that I could not entrust it to one person alone, but to seven people. I gave each of them a WORD and told them that all the words given would be necessary to obtain the code for the key to open the door, but it would not be a simple construction of a sentence with seven words.
The code would be revealed by the seven of them working together – in unity – but not superficial unity. They would only receive the code through working together to understand and value each persons’ revelation of the different seven words. It must be through the combination of the seven times the seven different layers of revelation for each word given. This would take time and commitment to persevere together to perceive the key and unlock the door.
I was immediately reminded that seven signifies completion. Paul describes in 1 Cor. 12:12-27 the members of the body working together as a whole, and in Eph. 4:16 that every joint supplies their part. I sensed the Lord saying that this is key instruction for His Kingdom to be here on earth as it is in heaven.
"but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head--Christ-- from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love." (Eph 4:15-16 NKJV)
It is easy and comfortable to be with people that are like us, but for proper function all parts must work together. The Holy Spirit helps us, which you have if you are born again! Honoring and serving others builds us up in love for each other! Together, we are becoming a habitation (dwelling place) of God in the earth (Eph. 2:22). This has been His plan from the beginning; a family!
Connection to the Body of Christ connects us to the Lord Jesus in a way that personal intimacy with Him cannot. It is out of intimacy with Him that connection happens – His Spirit moving among us - bringing fulfillment that cannot be found any other way.
The Lord spoke this to me, “I create beauty in each one; see them through the eyes of My Son. My children each supply a piece of the whole, increase comes from each moving in their unique role. Do not be puffed up with pride, it cannot be in My pure Bride. It is not for you to judge the hearts, see yourself and others as essential parts. All have been given a unique measure, and together become My priceless treasure.”
Scriptures listed are New King James Version.
