I used to think that the perfect wife was a woman who could cook extravagant meals, bake delicious treats, keep the house in order, and be kind and loving to a husband at all times. I thought that the perfect wife was a woman who had it all together, always knew what to do and could excel at everything her hand touched.
And I often thought I could never amount to be this kind of woman.
I don’t know what it means to be perfect or what it means to be a wife but what I do know is what it means to be a daughter…to be a child of God.
I know what it means to fear the Lord and to honor and love the Lord above all else. And to me, that’s what a perfect wife would be...if there was such a thing.
The perfect wife isn’t a woman who is perfect. She is a woman who puts God at the front and center of the alter on her heart. She knows that everything in life, including her marriage, can only work with the help and guidance of her loving Father God. Without God as her source of love, joy, comfort, peace, and grace, this woman knows she can only offer the world and her husband a second-rate version of herself.
This perfect wife would be a woman who knows her relationship with the Lord is the most important relationship she can have, for every other relationship will flow from it.
She seeks God for her relationships, praying for her husband and the people she loves.
She loves the Lord and is obedient, even when she doesn’t understand His direction. She understands that her commitment to her husband is also her commitment to the Lord, therefore she respects and honors her husband because she knows it’s pleasing to God.
The perfect wife is secure enough in God’s love to be imperfect and to make mistakes. She knows that, though others might fail her, God never will so she aims to always keep her heart soft, be quick to repent, and offer grace to herself and others.
This wife hears from the Lord and is attentive to what He speaks. She allows God to chasten her and show her how to love, encourage, and support her husband. This wife knows God loves her and delights in her, even when she might disappoint her husband.
She is rooted in her identity in Christ, understanding who she is and who God is. She is brave, and has a deep inner strength. She trusts God with her relationships and her future. At the root of all things for this perfect wife, is her love for God and her relationship with Him. She knows that the best way to be a wife is to be God’s daughter first.
