I didn't have a childhood dream of writing. I never said "when I grow up, I want to be a writer!" I never felt 'called' to it, so to speak. But as I reflect on my life, I realize that writing has always been a part of me. From my childhood days spent writing in my journal, to my teenage years of dark poetry (yes, dark poetry), starting a newsletter in my mid-twenties, and even to my professional life of writing policies and training manuals, writing has always been a constant. When I rededicated my life to the Lord, something in me woke up, something in me lit up. That dream and calling to write that seemed missing in childhood, was brought to life. And I have spent the last several years cultivating and refining that dream, much like I would edit and refine a story.

As I continue my journey of writing this year, I am learning that God has even bigger plans for me. He is calling me to see writing as more than a hobby or spiritual discipline, He is calling me to see my writing as a profession. In this season, He is teaching me that writers, write. Writers don't sometimes write. They don't write when they feel like it or when inspiration strikes. They don't write a little bit. Writers, write. Consistently. Daily. A lot.
Writing takes practice. Knowing your voice, your story, and where you want your reader to go, all take place when you get the ideas out of your head and onto paper. Some writers brain-dump everything on their page and go back later to rearrange it. Some, outline their thoughts and write in a clear and succinct way. Others, like me, binge-write, letting everything marinate and then writing in a steady flow at once. There are many methods of writing and none are right or wrong. The only wrong way to write is to not write at all.

So, for the month of May, I'm trying something new. And while it may be uncomfortable to step out of my comfort zone, I am embracing a new challenge by committing to writing a blog post every day. As a binge-writer, who would rather write all 30 blogs in 1-2 days, this will be stretching and growing a new writing muscle for me. I will need to learn to be disciplined in my structure and daily habits, rather than relying on my muscle memory that can write 5,000 words in one sitting. I need to learn to be a marathon runner, rather than a sprinter.
I'm a bit nervous and excited to take on this new challenge, but I know that when I commit my ways to the Lord and step in faith, I will experience more than I could have imagined. Will you join me on this adventure? Will you hold me accountable if you see I miss a daily blog? Will you encourage and support me by reading, sharing, and praying for this time? My personal challenge officially began on May 1st, with some post going to social media and some on this blog. I will continue to post daily between the two and I hope you will follow me as I pray, write, and grow with the Lord.
One final thought, I'd love to hear your ideas or suggestions for blog topics and posts! What do you want to know more about? What can I shed light on? Do you want to know more about faith, prayer, writing, or that time I was stuck in Paris with no phone or money to get home? Feel free to share or send me your request. See you for my next post!